Distributed System
- Bloom Filters
- Consistent Hashing
- Quorum
- Leader and Follower
- Write-ahead Log
- Segmented Log
- High-Water mark
- Lease
- Heartbeat
- Gossip Protocol
- Phi Accrual Failure Detection
- Split-brain
- Fencing
- Checksum
- Vector Clocks
- CAP Theorem
SSL, TLS authentication
Keystore vs Truststore https://yasarayasawardhana.medium.com/beginners-guide-to-key-stores-and-trust-stores-f7fa6d70ca2e
Software Architectire pattern
Single Signon
32 engineering blogs I swear by to level up as a software engineer, get a grip on system design, and understand how to scale real-world systems
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2. Figma Engineering: https://lnkd.in/gFbvV8Mk
3. Canva Engineering: https://lnkd.in/gRHZtDCa
4. Nextflix Tech: https://lnkd.in/gq-SWapT
5. Slack Engineering: https://slack.engineering/
6. LinkedIn Engineering: https://lnkd.in/g5eMavet
7. Dropbox Tech: https://dropbox.tech/
8. GitHub Blog: https://lnkd.in/gKNBpb7V
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10. Pinterest Engineering: https://lnkd.in/gnfrme2Z
11. SoundCloud Backstage Blog: https://lnkd.in/gNDUUreD
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16. Medium Engineering: https://lnkd.in/g3ASQbbB
17. Lyft Engineering: https://eng.lyft.com/
18. Heroku Eng Blog: https://blog.heroku.com/
19. Yelp Engineering: https://lnkd.in/gBWEyaHK
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7. Design Distributed Cache: https://lnkd.in/eJGpAEX6
8. Design Uber: https://lnkd.in/ee4Wz9ij
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1. Amazon DynamoDB (Amazon)
2. BigTable (Google)
3. Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (Google)
4. Borg Cluster Management (Google)
5. Cassandra: A Decentralized Structured Storage System (Facebook)
6. Dapper Tracing System (Google)
7. Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets (Google)
8. Dynamo: Amazon's Highly Available Key-value Store (Amazon)
9. ElasticSearch Architecture (Elastic)
10. Erasure Coding in Windows Azure Storage (Microsoft)
11. F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales (Google)
12. Facebook Cassandra (Distributed NoSQL DB) (Facebook)
13. Facebook Memcache (KV Store) (Facebook)
14. Finding a Needle in Haystack: Facebook’s Photo Storage (Facebook)
15. FlumeJava: Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines (Google)
16. GFS: Evolution on Fast-forward (Google)
17. Google Chubby Locking Service (Google)
18. Google File System (GFS) (Google)
19. Hive: A Warehousing Solution Over a Map-Reduce Framework (Facebook)
20. LinkedIn Kafka (PubSub) (LinkedIn)
21. MapReduce (Google)
22. Mesa: Geo-Replicated, Near Real-Time, Scalable Data Warehousing (Google)
23. Meta XFaaS (Serverless Functions) (Meta)
24. Napa - Data Warehousing (Meta)
25. Napa - Partitioning Algorithm (Meta)
26. PNUTS: Yahoo!'s Hosted Data Serving Platform (Yahoo!)
27. Percolator: Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications (Google)
28. Pregel Graph Processing (Google)
29. RCFile: A Fast and Space-efficient Data Placement Structure in MapReduce-based Warehouse Systems (Facebook)
30. Redis Architecture (Redis)
31. Spanner (Google)
32. TAO: Facebook’s Distributed Data Store for the Social Graph (Facebook)
33. Zanzibar Authentication System (Google)
8 Important Algorithms You Should Know Before Your System Design Interviews
1/ Consistent Hashing
- Distributes data evenly across servers, minimizing remapping when nodes are added or removed.
- Use Case Distributed caching systems, databases, and load balancing.
- Example: Cassandra uses consistent hashing to distribute data across clusters seamlessly.
2/ Quadtrees
- Efficiently indexes 2D spatial data by recursively dividing space into quadrants.
- Use Case Mapping services, geospatial databases, and location-based applications.
- Example: Google Maps leverages quadtrees for fast location searches and rendering maps.
3/ Leaky Bucket Algorithm
- Controls the rate of incoming requests by processing them at a steady flow, preventing overloads.
- Use Case API rate limiting, traffic shaping, and network routers.
- Example: AWS API Gateway implements rate limiting using variations of this algorithm.
4/ Tries (Prefix Trees)
- Stores and retrieves strings quickly by organizing data into prefixes.
- Use Case Autocomplete systems, IP routing, and spell-checkers.
- Example: Google Search uses tries for predictive text and autocomplete suggestions.
5/ Bloom Filters
- Provides fast membership checks with probabilistic accuracy, minimizing memory usage.
- Use Case Caching, spam detection, and deduplication systems.
- Example: Google Bigtable uses Bloom filters to reduce disk reads for non-existent keys.
6/ Sliding Window Algorithm
- Manages data streams in fixed-size windows to optimize performance and reduce memory usage.
- Use Case Network congestion control, streaming data analysis, and rate limiting.
- Example: TCP Flow Control applies this to manage network traffic efficiently.
7/ Raft Consensus Algorithm
- Ensures distributed systems agree on shared states, even with node failures.
- Use Case Leader election, replication, and fault tolerance in distributed databases.
- Example: etcd (used in Kubernetes) relies on Raft for cluster coordination and fault recovery.
8/ MapReduce
- Processes and aggregates large datasets by splitting tasks into parallel operations.
- Use Case Distributed data processing and big data analytics.
- Example: Hadoop and Google BigQuery implement MapReduce to process massive datasets efficiently.
These 10 Patterns Will Save You!
1️⃣ Service Registry & Discovery
=> Helps services find and communicate with each other dynamically.
🔧 Tools: Eureka, Consul
2️⃣ API Gateway
=> Acts as a single entry point, handling request routing, authentication, and load balancing.
🔧 Tools: Zuul, Spring Cloud Gateway
3️⃣ Circuit Breaker
=> Prevents system-wide failures by cutting off requests to struggling services.
🔧 Tools: Resilience4j, Hystrix
4️⃣ Database Per Service
=> Each microservice gets its own database to maintain data isolation and prevent tight coupling.
5️⃣ Saga Pattern
=> Manages distributed transactions across multiple services via orchestration or choreography.
🔧 Tools: Camunda, Temporal
6️⃣ Strangler Fig Pattern
=> A safe way to migrate from a monolith to microservices—gradually replacing pieces instead of a risky big bang rewrite.
7️⃣ Event Sourcing
=> Stores every state change as an event, allowing for historical tracking and easier debugging.
8️⃣ CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)
=> Separates read and write operations for better scalability and performance.
9️⃣ Sidecar Pattern
=> Adds extra capabilities like logging, monitoring, or security without changing the main service.
🔧 Tools: Istio, Envoy
🔟 Publish-Subscribe (Pub-Sub)
=> Services communicate asynchronously, ensuring loose coupling and better scalability.
🔧 Tools: Kafka, RabbitMQ
1. LinkedIn Kafka (PubSub) [https://lnkd.in/gJrDkNPv]
2. Designing Container-Based Systems [https://lnkd.in/gxJzAKi7]
3. Amazon Dynamo (SOSP 2007) [https://lnkd.in/gY-UJ5JP]
4. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System [https://lnkd.in/gcqquJyQ]
5. Real-time Data Infrastructure at Uber [https://lnkd.in/g3WvfcMx]
6. Hierarchical Text-Conditional Image Generation with CLIP Latents [https://lnkd.in/gH4j_PQG]
7. Google File System (GFS) [https://lnkd.in/gTJQtVHw]
8. Google Chubby Locking Service [https://lnkd.in/gHAT7cBR]
9. Meta XFaaS: Hyperscale and Low-cost Serverless Functions [https://lnkd.in/eHqbPXpH]
10. Facebook Cassandra (Distributed NoSQL DB) [https://lnkd.in/eD9erCNu]
11. Facebook Memcache (KV Store) [https://lnkd.in/eYZM5SPb]
Additional Topics:
Consistent Hashing, CAP Theorem, Load Balancing, Caching, Data Partitioning, Indexes, Proxies, Queues, Replication, and choosing between SQL vs. NoSQL.
Consistent Hashing: https://highscalability.com/consistent-hashing-algorithm/
Loadbalancer: https://medium.com/must-know-computer-science/system-design-load-balancing-1c2e7675fc27
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