S.O.L.I.D Principle
- The Open Closed Principle
- The article describes the open closed principle which is one of the object oriented design principles.
- Don’t Repeat Yourself
- The article explains and demonstrates don’t repeat yourself principle with the help of a real life example
- Single Responsibility Principle
- The article explains the concept of single responsibility principle with the help of an example and how to identify and apply it to code
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- if class A is a subtype of class B, we should be able to replace B with A without disrupting the behavior of our program.
- Aggregation Example
- An example of aggregation association is provided with clear explaination of the concept
- Composition Example
- Concept of composition is explained using simple real life example along with corresponding java classes.
Design Pattern:
Creational Patterns:
- Singleton:
- The article gives singleton design pattern implementation using enums in java. It explains advantages of enums demonstrates with simple example
- Factory Method :
- The article provides factory method implementation as defined by GoF and Head First Design Patterns book. It elaborates factory method with concrete example
- Abstract Factory:
- The article gives abstract factory pattern implementation in java with comprehensive definition and example. It is elaborate with lucid example and diagrams.
- Prototype:
- This article helps understand prototype design pattern implementation using java with the help of cloneable interface in java.
- Builder:
- The article describes builder design pattern and illustrates it with detailed and simple example. Diagram for bulider design pattern is explained in detail.
Behavioral Patterns:
- Chain Of Responsibilities:
- This article illustrates chain of responsibilities pattern implementation with the help of simple example and self explanatory class diagram.
- Command:
- The article helps understand command design pattern implementation in java and elaborates with self explanatory class diagram for both pattern and example.
- Mediator
- The article helps understand mediator design pattern implementation with the help of its generic diagram and a simple example of chat application.
- Observer:
- The article provides a short and real life example of observer pattern implementation along with elaborate diagram for both design pattern and example.
- Strategy :
- The article provides strategy pattern implementation along with definition and a simple example.Class diagram for pattern as well as example is demonstrated
- Template Method :
- This article helps understand template method implementation with a simple example along with generic class diagram with everyday life example
- Visitor:
- This article provides visitor design pattern implementation along with a generic class diagram and example class diagram.
Structural Patterns:
- Adapter:
- This article helps us understand adapter design pattern implementation with the help of a generic class diagram and another with a simple example
- Bridge:
- The article helps understand bridge design pattern implementation with self explanatory generic as well as example class diagram.
- Composite:
- Provides composite design pattern implementation with the help of generic as well as example class diagram and easy to understand example
- Decorator:
- The article covers yet another creational design pattern. It gives decorator pattern implementation in java along with class diagram and its example
- Flyweight :
- This article helps understand flyweight design pattern implementation and elaborates it with simple example along with its class diagram
- Facade:
- The article helps understand facade design pattern conceptually and with the help of class diagram and real life coding example.
- Memento:
- This article gives an interesting example of memento design pattern implementation along with its generic class diagram and elaborate example.
- Proxy :
- proxy design pattern implementation is explained thoroughly in this article with the help of simple generic class diagram and separate for example.
- State:
- The article gives a very interesting example of battle game soldiers and tries to explain state design pattern implementation along with class diagram